AWS Lambda Numerical Questions ❓
Related to the AWS Lambda :: These are the questions where “ Numericals ” being the answer to the Questions that we need to keep in mind …!
❓What is the maximum execution time for an AWS Lambda function?
Answer: 15 minutes.
AWS Lambda functions have a maximum execution time limit of 15 minutes. Any execution exceeding this limit will be terminated.
❓What is the maximum memory allocation for an AWS Lambda function?
Answer: 10 GB.
AWS Lambda functions can be allocated up to a maximum of 10 GB of memory. This memory allocation affects the performance and resource usage of the function.
What is the minimum memory allocation for an AWS Lambda function?
Answer: 128 MB.
AWS Lambda functions can be allocated a minimum of 128 MB of memory. This minimum allocation ensures that even small functions can run efficiently.
❓What is the maximum size of the deployment package for an AWS Lambda function?
Answer: 50 MB (compressed).
Explanation: The deployment package for an AWS Lambda function, which includes the function code and any dependencies, must be less than 50 MB when compressed. This size limitation ensures efficient deployment and execution.
❓What is the maximum size of the uncompressed deployment package for an AWS Lambda function?
Answer: 250 MB.
While the compressed deployment package must be less than 50 MB, the uncompressed size of the package can be up to 250 MB. This allows for larger dependencies or assets within the function.
❓What is the maximum size of the payload that can be passed to an AWS Lambda function via synchronous invocation?
Answer: 6 MB.
When invoking an AWS Lambda function synchronously (e.g., via API Gateway), the payload size is limited to 6 MB. Larger payloads will result in a “PayloadTooLarge” error.
❓What is the maximum duration for a single request/response round-trip for an AWS Lambda function invoked synchronously?
Answer: 30 seconds.
The entire request/response round-trip duration for a synchronous invocation of an AWS Lambda function cannot exceed 30 seconds. This includes the time taken for processing by the function.
❓What is the maximum number of concurrent executions allowed for an AWS Lambda function (per account)?
Answer: Account-level limit varies.
The maximum number of concurrent executions allowed for an AWS Lambda function varies depending on the AWS account’s limits. It’s important to monitor and adjust this limit as needed to avoid throttling.
❓What is the minimum billing duration for an AWS Lambda function invocation?
Answer: 100 milliseconds.
Explanation: AWS Lambda functions are billed in increments of 100 milliseconds. Even if a function executes for a shorter duration, it will be rounded up to the nearest 100 milliseconds for billing purposes.
❓What is the minimum granularity for AWS Lambda function invocation logs?
Answer: 1 millisecond.
Explanation: AWS Lambda provides detailed invocation logs with a granularity of 1 millisecond. This allows developers to accurately track the performance and execution times of their functions.
❓What is the maximum number of environment variables that can be configured for an AWS Lambda function?
Answer: 1000.
AWS Lambda allows you to configure up to 1000 environment variables for a function. These variables can be used to pass configuration settings or sensitive information to the function.
❓What is the maximum duration for an AWS Lambda function’s initialization (cold start) process?
Answer: 10 minutes.
The initialization process for an AWS Lambda function, also known as a cold start, can take up to 10 minutes. During this time, AWS provisions resource and prepares the function for execution.
❓What is the maximum number of layers that can be attached to an AWS Lambda function?
Answer: 5.
AWS Lambda allows you to attach up to 5 layers to a function. Layers can contain additional code, dependencies, or resources that are shared across multiple functions.
❓What is the maximum duration for an AWS Lambda function’s idle time before it’s automatically deleted?
Answer: 365 days.
If an AWS Lambda function remains idle (i.e., not invoked) for 365 days, it will be automatically deleted by AWS Lambda. This helps to manage resources and reduce costs for unused functions.
❓What is the maximum number of layers that can be referenced by a single AWS Lambda function?
Answer: 5.
A single AWS Lambda function can reference up to 5 layers. These layers can contain shared code, libraries, or resources that are reused across multiple functions.
❓What is the maximum number of versions that can be created for an AWS Lambda function?
Answer: Unlimited.
There is no limit to the number of versions that can be created for an AWS Lambda function. Each deployment or update creates a new version, allowing for easy rollback or testing.
❓What is the maximum number of aliases that can be created for an AWS Lambda function?
Answer: Unlimited.
AWS Lambda allows you to create unlimited aliases for a function. Aliases provide a way to reference different versions or configurations of the function without changing the invocation code.
❓What is the maximum number of concurrent executions allowed for a specific AWS Lambda function (per region)?
Answer: Regional limit varies.
The maximum number of concurrent executions allowed for a specific AWS Lambda function varies depending on the region and the account’s limits. It’s important to monitor and adjust this limit as needed.
❓What is the maximum size of the response that can be returned by an AWS Lambda function?
Answer: 6 MB.
The maximum size of the response returned by an AWS Lambda function, whether synchronous or asynchronous, is limited to 6 MB. Larger responses will result in an error.
❓What is the maximum number of retries for an asynchronous invocation of an AWS Lambda function?
Answer: 2.
Explanation: When invoking an AWS Lambda function asynchronously, AWS Lambda will automatically retry the invocation twice in case of failure. After the maximum number of retries is reached, the event will be discarded.
❓What is the maximum number of layers that can be published within a single AWS Lambda layer version?
Answer: 5.
Explanation: When publishing a new version of an AWS Lambda layer, you can include up to 5 layers within the same version. This allows for easy management and distribution of related code and resources.
❓What is the maximum number of functions that can be included in a single AWS Lambda deployment package (zip file)?
Answer: No hard limit.
There is no hard limit on the number of functions that can be included in a single AWS Lambda deployment package (zip file). However, larger packages may encounter deployment or performance issues.
❓What is the maximum duration for an AWS Lambda function’s execution in a Step Functions state machine?
Answer: 1 year.
When an AWS Lambda function is executed as part of an AWS Step Functions state machine, the maximum duration for the function’s execution is 1 year. This allows for long-running or recurring tasks.
❓What is the maximum number of tags that can be assigned to an AWS Lambda function?
Answer: 50.
AWS Lambda functions can be tagged with up to 50 tags. Tags provide metadata that can be used for organization, resource management, and cost allocation.
❓What is the maximum size of an environment variable value that can be set for an AWS Lambda function?
Answer: 4 KB.
Each individual environment variable value set for an AWS Lambda function cannot exceed 4 KB in size. This limitation ensures efficient storage and retrieval of configuration data.
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